Midjourney Knowledge Hub

Midjourney was founded in 2021 by entrepreneur and technologist David Holz in San Francisco.

Since its beta release in July 2022, it has rapidly grown to become the most popular AI image generator in the world, with over 10 million users in its Discord server.

Its success over competitors like OpenAI's now-forgotten DALLΒ·E 2, and open-source alternative Stable Diffusion can be attributed to its high image quality, variety of use cases, ease of use, and wildfire spread through social media virality.

Midjourney has a free trial but otherwise must be used through a subscription plans. (Stable Diffusion is free but has a more difficult installation process)

  • To use Midjourney, you use Discord to generate all images by sending the Midjourney bot "prompts", sentences that describe what you want to generate.
  • At the end of your prompts you can include parameters, which are settings that help you fine tune your results.
  • There are a couple of Midjourney commands you input into Discord that help you configure things
stars and galaxies illustrated, simple, featured on pixiv, muted colors with minimalism, irina nordsol kuzmina, a hazy memory --ar 16:9

The official Midjourney documentation can be found here. The AiTuts Prompt Library can be found here.

πŸ‰ = Recommended

Prompt Guides

Here's a series of in-depth, niche-specific prompt guides. They usually include many examples of good prompts.

You can also check out our prompt library and the free prompt books for more ideas and inspiration.


Use case:


Parameters & Commands

Here's a full list of Midjourney parameters & commands, with image examples.

If prompts are Midjourney's bread and butter, parameters are the crunchy peanut butter. Parameters can have a huge impact on the quality and variety of your results.

Parameters start with '--':

Commands start with '/' and help you perform actions with Midjourney:

  • /describe β€” submit an image and Midjourney will give you prompt ideas to reverse engineer that image
  • /shorten β€” submit a prompt and learn how strong every word/phrase is


img2img is likely Midjourney's most underrated feature. You give the software so much more to work with when you include an image as part of your prompt.


Midjourney Gallery

Interesting Tidbits

Who is David Holz and how did his unique worldview lead to him building the most popular AI image app of all time? Isn't it kind of weird that Midjourney is only a Discord app and not on web/mobile? Let's look at the idiosyncrasies of this massively successful company.


Can I add Midjourney to [x]?

More Inspiration

Think Midjourney's style is generic? That's only because you aren't referencing enough aesthetics in your prompts!

Get inspired: